Air Conditioning Installation Throughout San Diego
Excess heat can be problematic, so make sure that your home stays cool throughout the summer with an AC installation in San Diego, CA. Excess heat can lead to fatigue, lethargy, dehydration, and other issues as well. It’s important that you keep your home at a tolerable temperature in order to maintain high productivity and to improve overall sleep.
Knowing what type of AC to install in your home can be difficult. There are so many different types and designs. Some of the newer units also have smart technology integrated into them, so they’ll be able to automatically turn off when you leave your home or automatically turn on when you’re within a certain distance from home. You’ll also need to consider whether you are willing to install custom ductwork if you’re looking at a central AC unit. Fortunately, there are many other options and designs available that do not require custom ductwork.
How Long Does It Take To Install A New AC Unit?
The time span required for an AC installation depends on various factors. Among them, we can count whether or not there already is an AC system installed, its size, the accessibility to the units, and ultimately, the weather conditions. In general, the average San Diego AC installation takes between 4 and 8 hours. Our team will be there on time. Your home comfort and indoor air quality is our main concern.
How Long Will My New Air Conditioning System Last?
Most air conditioning units are covered by a warranty between 12 to 15 years, but they can last for longer than that, up to 20 years. However, the lifespan of an air conditioner can significantly depend on how often and how thoroughly maintenance is done to them. Needless to say, our team can also take care of any maintenance your new AC system will need in the future.
How Would A New Air Conditioning Unit Impact My Indoor Air Quality?
Old air conditioners usually accumulate more debris and dust than newer models, simply because they may not have a highly performant filtration system. A new AC install can considerably improve the air quality in your home, as it will provide superior air filtration. Moreso, even if an old unit has undergone regular AC service, it may still hold a great deal of dust in its components.
Will A Newly Installed Air Conditioner Increase The Value Of My Home?
Considering that the price for a new AC unit ranges between $6,000 and $12,000, the value of your home may increase by just that amount, give or take. However, older units as well as other, older HVAC systems may raise suspicions and turn away buyers.