With energy costs constantly on the rise, it’s no wonder homeowners are eager to cut down on their energy consumption. We’ve all heard the traditional advice to set the thermostat at a slightly higher temperature during the summer and make sure to turn off lights when we’re not using them, but did you know there are lots of ways homeowners can get bigger savings? If you’re the type who enjoys do-it-yourself projects, why not make your next one something that can save you some money? Here are 3 DIY projects any homeowner can do, whether you consider yourself handy or not. And remember, you can always enlist the help of a professional if DIY is not your style!

  • Paint your roof.
    Did you know that a white-colored roof can help bring down the temperature of a home or vehicle? This explains why so many school buses and delivery vehicles have white roofs. Some research indicates that buildings with white roofs use up to 40% less energy for cooling than those with dark-colored roofs. Generally, the job can be done using a blended polymer coating that can be found at your average hardware store, a couple of heavy-duty paint rollers, and, of course, your time investment. Check with your roofer or a trusted roofing specialist to learn more about painting your roof white this summer and you may end up saving a hundred dollars or more before the end of the year. That could translate to thousands of dollars in savings over the life of your home’s roof.
  • Add more plants to your landscaping.
    Plants and trees are nature’s way of stopping heat from getting into your home. Add leafy plants and bushes around windows to block out extra sunlight and give a bit of privacy. Make sure your outdoor air conditioning unit is well-shaded. Consult with an arborist to ensure larger trees on your property are healthy and are protecting your roof from excess sunlight as much as possible. Having more greenery around your property also increases curb appeal and can increase property value.
  • Cover up your windows.
    Many windows can easily be covered up through the use of blinds and curtains, which should be drawn shut every morning if you’re anxious to keep sunlight–and heat–out of your home. However, there are other ways to keep the sun’s rays from entering through glass doors, oversized windows, and other glass features. Homeowners can install an outdoor awning, solar screen, or window films to block harmful UV rays and to stop sunlight from heating up their homes. If your windows need replacement, learn about new options that have built-in filtering features which block out heat while letting the natural sunlight come through.
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